Firstly, we recommend having your All-Terrain Bag open and ready to go, with your board deflated and your board strap nearby. 

Place your pump at the nose of the board, leaving a little bit of room around the nose so that you can wrap this over the pump, this will help keep the pump secure and in place.

Roll the board around the pump, keeping the pump as square as possible with the rails of the board. The tighter you roll your board, the easier it will be to fit in your All Terrain Bag, but avoid putting too much tension around features like the fin box (if your board has removable fins).

Once you have finished rolling your board, grab you board strap and wrap this around to secure.

When you place your board in the All Terrain Bag, you will find a strap attached to the inside of the bag. Fixing this around the board will help with board movement when out exploring.