Paddleboarding during the colder, winter months can be especially beautiful, a really lovely way to enjoy those cold crisp winter days, when the sun is shining and water is so still! It is a great way to stay active and help boost your mental health during what can be some drury winter months. 

The weather during winter can be unpredictable, varying temperatures plus fluctuating body temperature as you exercise can alter what you need to wear when exploring on your SUP. Even though paddle boarding might make you break a sweat, warm but breathable clothing are essential during the winter so you don’t catch a cold. To embrace autumn and winter paddle boarding, layers are a must. It is important to check the weather conditions before you leave the house to ensure you are protected for every possibility - don’t forget that even if it’s nice as you head out, the wind might pick up or that the temperature will drop at the end of a sunny day.

There are three main things you need to consider when planning a trip. How long are you going to be out exploring, the water temperature and the weather conditions. We'd like to talk you through our top tips and advice!